Dear Snoqualmie Valley Residents,
It's my sincerest pleasure to recommend North Bend Montessori to all prospective families. Both of our girls, Natalie and Dana Korssjoen, attended North Bend Montessori. The foundation they received at early ages is still evident today, not only through their academic achievements, but through their personal ones as well.
Natalie entered the Montessori program shortly after her second birthday and attended through first grade. Today she is fourteen and venturing off to high school. She received the President's Award for Academic Excellence upon graduation from Twin Falls Middle School. The award is presented to students who earned 3.8 and above throughout their middle school careers. Several classmates received the same award. The majority of those students also graduated North Bend Montessori with her. Natalie is enrolled on three honors classes next year as she begins her high school career.
Dana entered the Montessori program shortly after her third birthday and attended through Kindergarten. Today she is eleven and venturing off to middle school. I distinctly remember her giving a math lesson to a fourth grader, while she was in kindergarten. The fourth grader was struggling with multiplication until Dana explained it as a game of regrouping numbers, because she had already learned multiplication through play. Upon graduation from Opstad, she received highest honors given from Ms. Marcia Townsend, the SVSD director of the highly capable program. Her fellow students in the highly capable program were also graduates of North Bend Montessori.
The skills/foundation they learned is not limited to academics. For example, I remember an “introduction game/sing-a-long” played. It was a method of roll-calling that brought the shyest child out of their shell. My kids learned confidence through that game. I remember the Christmas program where the students not only sang, but they incorporated sign language with the lyrics. Both of our girls are now talented musicians and are in the jazz band programs at middle school and high school. They learned sharing and respect. They learned foreign language skills. They put on play and shared them with local nursing home residents. They served treats to others before serving themselves.
We can't recommend North Bend Montessori to you enough. Get started already!
Julie & Sherwood Korssjoen
July 2010